[ Japanese ]

Sekisui House's Material Issues

Sekisui House contributes meaningfully to resolving environmental and social issues through its businesses. In 2022, we revised our material issues in line with an update of our corporate story after reexamining the impacts of our businesses that are both important to our stakeholders (such as customers, business partners, employees, shareholders, investors and local communities) and significant for the economy, environment and society.
   Since day one, our businesses have created corporate value while addressing material issues. This is the source of our originality and our strength.

Material Issues

Process of Identifying Material Issues

Process of Identifying Material Issues

Process of Identifying Material Issues

Material Issue Initiative Themes and KPIs 

To create high-quality housing stock, we have designated the following KPIs for the three years of the Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan, grouped by three types of value we provide: Safety, peace of mind and comfort; asset value creation; and extended useful life of housing.

To contribute to a sustainable society, we have designated the following KPIs for the three years of the Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan, grouped by five types of value we provide: Decarbonization; biodiversity conservation; resource recycling; coexisting with local communities; and occupa-tional health and safety & supply chain.

To promote diversity and inclusion, we have designated the following KPIs for the three years of the Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan, grouped by three types of value we provide: Promote diversity; employee health and happiness; and diverse workstyles and job satisfaction/self-directed career development.

We have identified the following KPIs regarding the "creation of high-quality housing stock," "contributing to a sustainable society" and "deversity and inclusion." These KPIs will serve as guideposts over the course of the three-year period of the Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan to achieve the three material issues named above.