[ Japanese ]

Mechanisms and Catalysts

Value Creation Process

Love of humanity is the core of Sekisui House’s Corporate Philosophy. Drawing on this philosophy, technology and people, we have achieved numerous innovations. Our history since the Company’s founding can be broken down into 30-year phases. In the first phase, we emphasized safety and peace of mind, and in the second, comfort and eco-friendliness. Now, in our third phase, we are emphasizing health, connectedness and learning.
   Based on our love of humanity—the very DNA of Sekisui House—and the innovations accumulated over three phases of our corporate story, we identify risks and opportunities in our operating environment and use resources effectively and efficiently to expand our businesses and accelerate growth with the goal of creating corporate value and achieving our global vision.

Value Chain

The Sekisui House Group aims to create happy homes by constantly evolving the basic performance and environmental technologies that are important for residents, and by combining research and proposals for new ways of living. Our unique value chain is the source of this value creation.

Value Chain

Value Chain

Core Competencies

Our core competencies are our three greatest strengths—technical capabilities and construction capabilities driven by Sekisui House technologies, and a solid customer base derived from the industry’s highest number of dwellings built—as well as our unique value chain. This value chain maximizes value that contributes to happiness for customers because the Sekisui House Group handles all processes relating to homebuilding, from basic R&D to product development, design and technologies, sales, procurement, production, construction and after-sales service. These core competencies are the source of the value we create.

Core Competencies

Stakeholder Engagement

The Sekisui House Group identifies various issues and expectations through engagement with stakeholders, including customers (homeowners), consumers (prospective customers), suppliers, business partners, employees, shareholders and other investors, and local communities. We work to create value unique to Sekisui House by diligently addressing these issues and expectations.

Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement