For current and potential shareholders
Shareholder Return
What is your shareholder return policy?
- Target an average payout ratio of at least 40% over the medium term and continuous dividend growth. Seek improvement shareholder value through timely and flexible repurchases of Company stock.
We have also set ¥110 as the minimum for annual dividends per share.
We regard the maximization of shareholder value as one of the most important management tasks. -
Maximizing shareholder value is a top priority for Sekisui House. Under the Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan, in addition to our existing policy of targeting a medium-term average dividend payout ratio of 40% or more, to further stabilize shareholder returns, we have set ¥110 as the minimum for annual dividends per share and will flexibly implement purchases of Company stock to increase shareholder value.
Trend in dividends per share
We have continued to increase dividends as a result of profit growth achieved through a more balanced earnings structure.